Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I was charged with DUI, but I was not driving...

This is a sentiment that is heard almost everyday in courts across Tennessee.  It is possible to be charged with Driving Under the Influence when you are not actually driving the vehicle.  How is this possible?  If you get into a vehicle while intoxicated, and you have the displayed intent to drive then that is sufficient to charge you criminally.  This means that perhaps you put the keys in the ignition while listening to the radio or simply to warm up your car while on the cell phone.  If you allow another individual to take control of your vehicle while they are intoxicated, then you can be charged with DUI by Consent even though you were not driving.  So play it smart and give your keys to a designated driver.  If you have already been charged with a DUI or DUI by Consent, then you need to contact an experienced trial lawyer immediately!

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